Cost Recovery Fund Transfer Request

Cost recovery processes ensure costs incurred by the CSU Operating Fund and other CSU funds in providing services, products, and facilities to other funds within the university or between the CSU, auxiliary organizations, and external parties are timely recovered.

Cost Recovery Fund Transfer Request Form is used by campus service providers to recover intra-campus (internal) reciprocal transactions for goods and/or services provided to campus departments.

Cost Recovery Revenue Account (Intra-Campus)

580094 Cost Recovery between campus funds within State Fund 0948

580095 Cost Recovery from Auxiliary Organizations (UCorp, ASI, SF Foundation)

580096 Cost Recovery between campus funds in different State Funds

Cost Recovery Expense Account (Intra-Campus)

617001 Services payment between campus funds

617090 Services payment to Auxiliary Organizations (UCorp, ASI, SF Foundation)

607032 Capital-Construction Management